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Michelle & Rocky — Minted




Michelle and Rocky

Please join us for our wedding celebration on

47 days until the big day!


Once upon a time, in the vast realm of the internet, two souls connected in a digital space. Their journey began with a simple click, leading them to a sushi restaurant where their paths would intertwine forever. From the very first moment they laid eyes on each other, an undeniable spark ignited within their hearts, and they both knew that God had brought them together.

As their love story unfolded, they embarked on a multitude of adventures, but it was a fateful day at a professional hockey game that truly solidified their bond. The vibrant atmosphere, filled with cheers and excitement, mirrored the joy they felt in each other's presence. Witnessing the sheer delight on her face, he realized that he couldn't imagine a life without her by his side. In that moment, Rocky knew that Michelle was meant to stay, forever etched in his heart.

Their journey was not only filled with love but also laughter. Rocky had a way of making Michelle smile, bringing joy to even the simplest of moments, and he still does. Their shared laughter became the soundtrack of their lives, a melody that resonated with their souls and created an unbreakable connection.

As the 2022 holiday season approached, he knew it was the perfect time to take their love to new heights. With the spirit of Christmas surrounding them, he gathered the courage to ask her the most important question of his life. With a heart full of hope and a ring in hand, he knelt down on one knee and asked her to be his partner for eternity. In that magical moment, amidst twinkling lights and the warmth of love, she said yes, sealing their fate as soulmates.

And so, their journey continues, as they prepare to embark on a new chapter together. With every step they take, their love grows stronger, their bond deeper. Their wedding website becomes a testament to their extraordinary love story, a celebration of the moments that have shaped them and the promises they hold dear.

May their story inspire others to believe in the power of love, to cherish the laughter and the shared experiences that make life truly beautiful. And as they walk down the aisle, hand in hand, letting God lead thier path, may their love shine as brightly as the stars, illuminating the path to a future filled with endless happiness and everlasting love.